Sunday 1 March 2015

Self portraits I-movie

Week 5 Homework Notice


I hope you have all had a great start to your week! 

Students will be taking their homework home tomorrow (Tuesday). We have had children in and out for swimming today and council speeches this afternoon, therefore we didn't all get a chance to write in our spelling words and glue our homework sheet in. 

Students are expected to read tonight and they will be given time tomorrow to record what they have read in their homework book.

Thanks Miss Head.

Swimming fun day...

Our finished product...

Our 'Vincent Van Gogh' inspired portraits...

Starting our self portraits...

First we painted our backgrounds. We learnt how to blend our chosen colour with white to create a faded effect...

We then added pastel to our backgrounds to create differing spiral effects.

After we had finished our portrait, we had to glue it onto our background. We made a small cube to glue onto our background and then glued the top of our portrait onto it, so that it looked like our portraits were 3D. They look like they are popping out of the page!

Watch this space for pictures of our finished portraits!

Cricket has started...

We are practising our pitching skills...

Senior Kapa Haka

Senior Kapa Haka...

Week Two Art Work 'All about me' flowers and trees...

Miss Head's wonderful garden of super learners...